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#1 way to spend your Summer

Ohhhhhhh EFY. The place to shout as loud as you want, shove as many donuts in your mouth as you can, travel "unknown" colleges of the US (the heidleberg), and get your freak on like you never thought possible. Ahhhhh it's magic. EFY is the perfect pair to a summer fling, a deprived dancer, or someone in need of a little lovin (just between me and you, your Instagram followers will SKY freakin ROCKET). k I'm joking, everything I just said was totally spot on accurate but it's not why I love it so much.

If you dont know about EFY check it out here, you won't regret it!

I remember going as a youth and having the time of my life. I praised the ground that my counselors walked on. They were so put together and successful and mature. And I could only dream of being in that position. Well let me tell ya, I don't feel so grown up or put together or mature but it sure was a heck of a time. Getting to be with such amazing youth and teaching them about the Gospel in so many different ways was far beyond any summer fling or pink iced donut I could get my hands on.

I was constantly blown away at the desire these kids had, no matter their circumstances or choices they had made, to be better. I loaned one of the boys in my company a small little journal one day to write down His thoughts because he forgot his and upon returning it I noticed he had left his notes in the book. Occasionally as I write in the book I come back across them and am amazed that this cool popular boy who didn't voice his belief as strongly as others in the group had feelings too. He even wanted to be more Christlike, more humble, and more willing to follow God. EFY is the best stepping stone to building a stronger relationship with God and it was the chance to not only learn fro myself but learn from these amazing youth. Memories made for a life time.

Love, Lundie

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