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December 18th, 2015 was a blur but a very memorable blur. The early morning drive to the airport, hugging my mission president and his wife repeated times and then clumsily walking up an escalator with two large black suitcases that contained everything important to me. As I looked back to wave one last time, President's wife was crying and it hit me, this was it. I was leaving everything that seemed even the slightest bit familiar to me behind. Life was about to change... a lot. No more weekly planning, companionship inventories or tracting at 8 o clock at night and no wearing skirts all day every day for crying out loud. That plane ride was the hardest, weirdest, most exciting, gut wrenching 3 hours of my life. All I could do to keep from throwing up was sit there and just stare at my companion who had been with me since the very very beginning and say, "is this real life?"

I laugh because it sounds so dramatic, BUT IT WAS dramatic. When I finally got off the plane all emails I had received were confirmed. My little sister was a whole foot taller than me, my brother was married and expecting and my family had moved from Colorado to Utah. Finding a spoon to eat my cereal became a scavenger hunt each morning because I was so turned around all the time.

But I am so grateful for the time I had to serve, for the experiences I had, the life long friends I made, and for all the amazing experiences I have had since. I've learned life can really kick your feet out from under you sometimes but things will always turn out okay.

Heres a little video of some of my favorite moments of my mission


To take a peek at my missions emails and experiences click here

Love, Lundie

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