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A Skater's guide to Skating

Skating on Christmas Eve for my family is as necessary as...eating. If it doesn't happen, Christmas isn't Christmas. We have always gone to Downtown Denver but now that the fam relocated to Utah we took a day trip to SLC to scope out the ice rink and walk around Temple Square. It couldn't have been a more perfect day for it haha not really though. It was raining the whole time. Yep, not a typo. RAIN . But it only added to the experience and we skated our little behinds off. I found out that I have a far greater problem with "skater rage" than road rage because nothing gets me more mad than when said skater stops right in front of you or you find yourself all tangled up in a large group of slippers and sliders that can't seem to keep their skates on the ice and not their faces. Okay maybe I'm a little unsympathetic, but it's true. You know the feeling, that horrific realization that someone else is about to go down and you are going down with them whether you like it or not.

Anyway a skaters guide to ice skating includes but is not limited to: Shout out to Momma Lundie for nailing number 5.

1. Good socks that form a barrier between your feet and the stench, odor, and mystery of whatever last lived in those skates

2. A cup of cocoa after or like 4 Lion House rolls to curb your ravenous hunger. You deserve it after working up such a sweat. Treat yo self.

3. Perfect hair that you spend an hour curling only to realize there was no point..

4. A buddy that won't be bothered by you holding on to the tail of their coat as they pull you around and around the ice rink

5. A designated picture taker for all the great poses you come up with as you pull out your Michelle Kwan moves for all of the public eye to see

6. Oh and if you feel real adventurous bring a gun along...cause apparently some guy thought that was a good idea too

Merry Christmas!!

Love, Lundie

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