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Horseshoe Bend // Paige, Arizona

The 24-hour road trips have become pretty popular these past couple of months. Trav, Dal, Kimz and I have been trying to plan something for months and without fail one one of us has ended up not being able to go every time we try to do something.

I worked a whoppin 12 hours between jobs on Saturday and opting out of a party I found myself on the couch with a pint of ice cream, Costa Vida, and a new season of New Girl. I was pretty content about the whole situation up until I got on Instagram and scrolled through probably 5 new engagement announcements. I don't really know what triggered my insane on-the-whim desire to get out of town but I sent a quick four-word text to the GM and threw my phone down on the floor.

"Road trip now anyone?"

Within minutes I got three replies. Yes. I'm in. And where are we going? JACK POT. We were making this happen and heck it was only 10:30. We had lots of time.

I threw the necessities into a bag; a hat, four clementines, my wallet and a sweatshirt, gassed up the truck and that was that. Another weekend was about to be spent far far away from home procrastinating my homework, my laundry and all the grown up stuff I was supposed to have done.

Pulling out from the driveway we hadn't decided where we were going and I honestly didn't even care. Thanks to Kimzey's organization and list making skills she whipped out several ideas.

I have always wanted to go to Horse Shoe Bend and as soon as she mentioned it everything else was out of the question.


6 hours later we found ourselves amid a hoard of photographers who were setting up their tripods and their go pros as we watched the sunrise in a crevice of the canyon.

You learn a lot about a person on these trips. Their favorite kind of energy drink, their "list" of qualities they want in a spouse (some took a few hours longer than others to share), that checking to see if the gas station door is unlocked is way harder than peeing in the parking lot, you learn that some people like guys with good ankles and others like guys with trucks. You even get to know their upset side when they find out that the breakfast sandwiches at McDonald's have upped in price by a whole dollar. And best of all you learn that if you don't Instagram the whole experience...did it really happen? of all you learn that Dallin Hutchings is a pretty dec driver too. Until you get him around a RAZR.

We walked into a ward on Sunday wearing hiking clothes, looking waaaay out of place (not to mention Kimzey and I were the only two blondes) but the people were so welcoming. Because we were in Arizona there were quite a few Indian reservations around. The Redhair family graced us with their talks, one being more of a pondering experience than the others, and several people came up to ask us what we were there for. It was a goooood time.

We drove, we slept, we ate, and we talked. When you're running on no sleep at all filters are minimal. And lets be honest with them there really aren't any filters anyway.

Love, Lundie

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