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The Sinks, Logan Canyon

He asked me if I was free Thursday morning. I said I had class at 1:30 only leaving out the fact that I might maybe have had work that morning but for snowmobiling i'm always willing to move my plans around. Always.

Let me share some background to this story. I haven't snowmobiled since I was 2, so I really haven't ever gone. It was freezing heck outside, I thought my thumb was never going to work the same way and my cheeks had to have looked like they were stuck in that helmet forever. But I wasn't about to let any of those be a reason to stop me.

After finding a few jumps and messing around we stopped for a couple minutes to rest. But getting back on the snowmobile it WOULD NOT START. After a prayer (trying times call for trying circumstances) and after taking the snowmobile apart we finally got it going again. We decided it was best to call it a day so I could make it back in time for my test so we started to head back.

But only minutes later trying to maneuver around a tree, I got the snowmobile stuck and it died again. I'm just plain bad luck and people shouldn't take me anywhere haha After another 15 minute battle with it, bloody hands and all, it finally started only to kick back off once again.

I decided to stay up on the mountain while Chance road the five or so miles (i swear it was probably more than that) back to the truck to get new spark plugs.

At least I had service. So I spread out across the snowmobile and took a selfie. Like what else was I supposed to do? My mom forbid me from using any more data for the month. Plus I was ROCKING the goggles.

30 minutes later I could hear the roar of the other snowmobile so I figured he was almost back. I sat back up and waited. And then waited some more but I couldn't hear it anymore.

"Crap," I thought. He forgot where we were. So I started walking toward the trail we were on and upon coming around the bend I saw the snowmobile totally stuck as he was trying to shovel it out. I just laughed for a minute. This was too good to be true. On top of that while he was trying to start it, he had pulled the rip chord out of the machine. Again I started laughing cause ugh....It just wasn't our day.

It seemed like every possible bad thing was happening. Multiple prayers, bloody hands and a bag full of candy wrappers later we determined both definitely would not be returning to the car with us. So we ditched 'em along with our helmets and began the trek back.

I've never gotten such a good workout in my life. You know that country song Knee Deep? Yeah we were definitely knee deep in the snow somewhere.

I had a panic moment up on the mountain like...what if this was it? And then I thought about the pioneers and told myself to get over it. Holy how spoiled am I?We had a really good talk on the way back about this one...and I needed it. Bless Chance for his patience.

A few days later when they went back up to get the snowmobiles I got a text with a picture of both of them saying there had been six or so search and rescue guys who were convinced we were lost or worse had died. Yeah definitely neither of those happened, but I mean we needed searching and rescuing and of course later we learned that they just so happened to be on the other side of the mountain the whole time.

Hahahahaha! Of course.

Even though I missed my class (I ended up texting my group that I was stranded on a mountain and wouldn't make it for the test haha best text I've ever had to send), had to haul my booty to work and had sore legs for the next couple of days it was worth taking a "Chance". Solid day people.

I guess that hands up in a circle pose means "go big or go home". We definitely went big and we also barely made it home. So the phrase stands true.

Love, Lundie

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