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Las Vegas, Nevada

Finals week has me about ready to let go...

But good news! After suffering through the hardest class I have ever taken and contemplating dropping it every day of the semester, I MADE IT. I will never have to write another news article.....until next semester. HALLELUJAH.

Last weekend my cute sister had a basketball tournament in Vegas and I wasn't about to turn down an offer for free food and putting off my homework a little longer. Also I'm just trying to cram everything I can in before Alaska...which is in a WEEK!!!

I don't know what it is about large brightly-colored rocks, but when I decided to tag along on this little weekend get-away it was top of the list of things to do.

Of course we were greeted by herds of people with the same idea.

And when I say "idea" I mean posing with said rock and then looking around nonchalantly as if you hadn't just tried taking 20 thousand selfies.

But hey, when you travel that far for a picture... it's gotta be a good one.

Plus Brook and I have learned that our mom has no idea how to take a group selfie and most of the time she ends up taking a double chin shot with a serious look of concentration on her face. We started asking her to take more pics just so we could watch her assume her signature selfie stance.

Once the 10 minute excursion was over, taking pics with the great and spacious rocks, we went to do a little exploring on the strip.

So yeah I'm pretty sure the city totally looses effect during the day without the lights... But that's just my opinion.

I have never actually been to the strip before. The only time I ever passed the city of sin was on our trip to Mexico a couple months back. (Weird Story) We had to drive to Vegas just to fly back to the SLC airport on a layover to Cancun. Crazy people wouldn't let us on if we didn't.

After getting followed by spider man and paying $8 for a slice of pizza, we stopped off at the Coca Cola store where we tried sodas from around the world. If drinking poison is your cup of tea then I would definitely suggest booking a one way flight to Italy. And if you aren't a fan of the bubbly stuff, Japan is your place. I've also learned that a sprite float isn't all that bad. Just some suggestions form yours truly. We also went to the Bellagio to see the flower exhibit on display which was incredible.

Plus in between basketball games, we made a random trip to target to stock up on snacks and of course it had to be in a whole different state that I find cookies and cream cadbury eggs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I most certainly hid those in the shopping cart like a little kid to make sure they wouldn't get overridden by Momma Lundie while checking out.

My dad and his fancy cowboy hat flew in from a business trip to meet up with us and thank heavens he did because even with all the coaxing in the world we could not get my mom to ride any roller coaster with us.

It was a sugar filled weekend and we even made it back in time to celebrate Easter with the rest of the family and my sweetest new nephew. I'm an aunt again!

Love, Lundie

I don't exactly know what's going on here...

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