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Dog Sledding on the Mendenhall Glacier // Juneau, Alaska

Dog sledding quickly became the response to the classic first day of school question, what was the coolest thing you did this summer? I honestly didn't mean for my answer to blow everyone else' out of the water... but every time it got to be my turn I just caved under pressure and like how could I ever forget being taken by helicopter to a glacier to dogsled with a mushing team training for the Iditarod? Not typically on the daily agenda.

My new friend Morgan, who so generously drove me and my belongings to my house the day I flew into Juneau, and I both got to go together. Probably the easiest paid three hours I've ever worked.

We got to hold all of the cute little Alaskan husky puppies (which look almost like wolves when they are grown) and pretended to play the tourist card by throwing up peace signs and never letting off the camera button.

One of my absolute favorite things flying into the camp was seeing all of the dog's homes. There were at least a hundred or so dogs that each had their own personalized dog house with their name written on the outside. The dogs got so excited when the helicopters would land you almost couldn't hear yourself think. Each team was named after a theme. Mountain rages, Disney characters, professional swimmers and each of the mushers, some with up to twenty of their own dogs, would choose the theme for each litter. The love between the dogs and the mushers was the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Throughout the course of the tour I learned how to command the dogs to turn left and right from my position on the back of the sled where I was hanging on for dear life. I could have almost whispered the commands and somehow those dogs did exactly what I said. So obedient.

Alaska is a must see if you haven't. One of the most beautiful places I have been and greenest too. Coming home to Utah I didn't quite realize to what extent of a desert I live in. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it and all my sweet friends that I left behind. Alaska 2K18 has already been heavily contemplated. But for now...back to the school grind. Bless.

Love, Lundie

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