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Ice Caves // Juneau, Alaska

This was one of those hikes you really only need do once but I ended up doing it three times. Once in Tevas, once in Xtra Tufs, and once in tennis shoes. I finally learned the third time, after sliding down the side of a mountain and tripping over everything, that shoe wear definitely makes a difference. I advise only hiking it once, not from lack of beauty, but for the sake of your own life. It was poorly marked and made for a lot of guessing plus the final descent to the caves was basically a suicide wish, but the views getting to the caves almost made up for the bum bruises and wet socks. There were small signs off the beaten path that showed how much the glacier had receded each year. Unfortunately 1995 (my birth year) was no where to be found but it was crazy to see how much the glacier had moved over the years.

Love, Lundie

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