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Hello, it's me.

HELLO. I'm baaaaaackkkk in the technology world!!!! It feels like it has been ages since posting on this little bloggy blog. So watch out because I have loads of pictures and stories I have to spill over the next few weeks. I can hardly believe my time in Juneau has almost come to an end. It's all so bitter sweet. In less than a week I get to fly home to see my brother I haven't been able to hug for the past four years but I'm also leaving some of my closest dearest friends behind. Last night, after a little bowling, we went downtown to dance at some of the bars where I met my new Canadian Navy friend, Colten. He checked off every physical quality on my list but upon asking me for my number he was intoxicated enough to forget that his calculator was in fact not his address book. Awkwardddd. 8,013,676,711 brain cells were lost that night. Being with everyone at the bars for the last time was a good way to end our time in Juneau though. And don't worry there's this thing called Shirley Temples. They're a great social drink and packed with just enough punch to keep you going but not enough to make you forget what app is what. Sprite and cherries. The perfect combo.

Love, Lundie

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