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Hardware Ranch, Logan

Yesterday a friend wanted to go check out Hardware Ranch, he's an avid hunter and calls this place home. Though I forbade him to bring his new gun along....he did anyway. We saw a couple of beavers and sunk our feet into ankle deep mud and it was glorious.

There was actually quite a bit of snow up there and just enough ice to be able to walk partly across a few of the ponds. Except my bad luck just happened to strike right when I was trying to get back to the bank and ended up filling my boots with water.

I also got attacked by the barb wire fencing and have a nice gash to showcase with my ripped jeans.

It was one of those Sunday drives that didn't ever need to end. We ended up taking a back road that led us on to miles of open dirt road and the most beautiful sunset.

The road was bumpy enough though that I was quickly reminded of my sudden need to pee and there was absolutely no bathroom in sight. Also I don't do well with peeing behind a tree. It's not my forte. We happened to run into two guys coming the other way and we asked where they were coming from. When they said Ogden all four of us, crammed into the bench seat of my friends truck, stared with jaws dropped. We were like 40 miles away from Logan...

We finally made it to the nearest gas station and then proceeded to joke about the whole thing throughout the hour and a half drive home.

It was worth the experience and the tank of gas.

Love, Lundie

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