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Versailles, France

Hi. It's me. I have a lot to catch up on and I don't even know where to start.

France was a dream and a half. Getting off the airplane I could see every possible thing going wrong, including one of the little military squads that were marching around the airport taking me down with a machine gun in my face, but I'm happy to report that did not happen.

I have been on a lot of planes over the past year but never a flight that long. It was a toughie. We found a book in the airport to keep my mind occupied but I blew through that in an hour because it was a love story about a girl who goes to Paris and runs into love after a dumb man bails on her. Super into that realistic drama/ love stuff. I realized after this book though, I still had 9 hours left to sit and twiddle my thumbs soooo I took lots of little naps (which really meant my eyes were just closed), lots of staring at the ladies head in the seat in front of me, lots of pretend going to the bathroom just so I could stand up and walk around a bit, and looooooots of wondering what this trip would entail.

Little back story. While I was in Alaska over the summer Holly called me and out of the blue asked if I wanted to go to Paris for a wedding. Duh I said yes without even asking any questions. The wedding was for Holly's mission companion and trainer, Anita. They both served in Portugal together and Anita is originally from France. Hence the French wedding. Though I didn't know Portuguese or French I was still set on going because I thought it would be such a fun experience to be so immersed into a different culture. And it did not disappoint. When I told my professors at school I was going to a wedding in Paris they all gave the same snarky expression and asked for who. At first I said a friend of a friend but quickly switched to just "a friend" because I realized how odd that sounded that I was flying half way around the world for a wedding of a person I didn't even know. And to be honest it is a little odd but I'm telling you is THE BEST way to travel. I would do it a thousand times over again in an absolute heartbeat.

When we finally landed we were greeted by Anita, I didn't even know what she looked like, but we haven friends the minute we met! Straight away she took us to Versailles to tour the palace and see the temple. FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS on trip advisor for Anita playing tour guide. She is the most amazing hostess.

By the end of the day I was running on straight fumes. It is impossible for me to sleep in any place other than my bed so by our last and final stop to the patisserie, I don't even remember what any of the pastry tasted like. It was a real shame. I made Anita take us back a couple days later so I could try everything again, fully awake this time.

When we got to Anita's cute little French apartment that first night we passed out. Hard.

Love, Lundie

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