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Somehow I find myself on vacations I'm not actually supposed to be on.

My grandma invited all of her kids and their children living at home (emphasis on the ones living at home still in school, certainly not me) to fly out to Virginia for a little family reunion type of thing.

Unfortunately my dad wasn't able to go with my mom and sister because of his school and work schedule so hi yo girl stepped in and made the sacrifice to support ;)

I mean Virginia? Cool. Skipping classes? Oh yeah baby. Historical sites? Sign me up plz.

Funny cause if you asked my family if I like board games or historical sites/ museums they would laugh and say absolutely not but hey I'd like to fight that claim. I actually do. I just need a little coaxing. This trip was saturated in both history and board gaming and I loved it.

It was fun to be with family and visit Jamestown and Georgetown and all of the other towns plus we hung out with Pocahontas and learned how to blow glass. All very useful things that I may possibly need to know someday. We even went to an organ concert and watched a little pipe band walk down the street with fiery torches and stuff. I feel like a lot of history that I know is church related so it was fun to channel my inner 5th grade self and walk into one those horrifyingly large american history textbooks they used to make you read. Go to Virginia, I highly suggest it.

Love, Lundie

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